报告题目:Quantum GIM of N-fold affinization and quantum toroidal algebra
报 告 人:郜云(York University)
报告时间:2021年11月19日 09:00-11.00
报告地点:Zoom会议 ID: 862 062 0549,会议密码: 2021
报告摘要:Generalized intersection matrix (GIM) Lie algebras were introduced by Slodowy in the study of elliptic singularity. GIM Lie algebras of N-fold affinization were studied by Berman-Moody, Benkart-Zelmanov and among others. In this talk we will talk about quantum GIM algebras of N-fold affinization and quantum toroidal algebras.
报告人简介:郜云教授是加拿大York大学教授,德国洪堡学者。主要研究方向是无穷维李(超)代数、量子群和表示理论。在高维仿射李代数研究领域做出了重要工作。他已在国际一流数学杂志上发表论文50余篇,其中包括两本美国数学会专著(Memoirs of American athematical Society 1997和2002)。